Significances and Roles of MUTE in Faceless by Amma Darko

Faceless by Amma Darko. This is an African prose about the issue of abandoned children and how they face the scourge of street life in such tender age. The story has the chain of events between characters such as Fofo, Kabria, Sylv Po, etc.

What is MUTE? It is a nongovernmental organization (NGO) interested in documentation and information building.

What are the roles and significances of MUTE?
In the novel Faceless by Amma Darko, performed the absolute role of a detective; by mixing the role of NGO’s human empowerment with the role of solving mysterious crime questions. MUTE’s function as a detective goes in form of carrying out research, making  investigation and interrogation.

Through the helpful action of MUTE, the private crimes in Sodom-and-Gomorrah neighborhood was brought to the public via Sylv Po of Harvest FM. MUTE was also responsible for the rehabilitation and empowerment of Fofo; the novel’s protagonist. With the actions of MUTE, readers discovered the inabilities of the law enforcement agency (precisely the police). MUTE assisted in getting to the root of Baby T. death.

Conclusively, the significances of MUTE cannot be overemphasized. Based on the narrative, Faceless as a novel will amount to nothing without the existence of MUTE because almost all the events in the novel revolved around MUTE.


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